Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Tuesday, Thoughts versus Action

Our group was tasked with listening for direction on how to best help the refugees and greater Anse-pit-re population when working in Haiti today.  Several of the people we have encountered this week have big ideas and have begun small projects to move toward the larger goal of improving the lives of those living in this remote part of Haiti.  As a group we have asked ourselves, and each other, how can we help an area with so many problems with little understanding of the history, social structures, and political climate of this area?  I have been reading about refugee camps for a class I took last semester as part of my Master's program, but it was entirely different to visit one in-person.  I felt overwhelmed reading about refugees' problems and this feeling intensified when seeing the faces of these often forgotten people.  Our group came together during dinner to continue our conversation on how we as individuals and as a church can best help the people of Anse-pit-re.  We all wished for better understanding of the problem and a clear way to move forward, but God does not present answers in a neat package with easy to understand instructions.  A common thread in our discussions was a wish to increase the unity of those doing good works in this community and finding a more formal role for our church.  Up to this point, Kara and the groups she has brought have been "walking the path" with the Haitian people, but we all agree that we have reached a turning point and more action is needed.  We are all still trying to decide how to best move forward and will continue to listen for God's call.  Please pray for our understanding and the ability to continue making connections in this community that will exceeded our greatest expectations.


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